2021 Yılı Erasmus+ Teklif Çağrısı ve Program Rehberi Yayınlanmıştır.

2021 Yılı Erasmus+ Teklif Çağrısı ve Program Rehberi Yayınlanmıştır.
  • 25.03.2021
  • 2.867 kez okundu

Erasmus+ Program Rehberi

Call for proposals 2021 – EAC/A01/2021

Erasmus+ Programme (2021/C 103/11)

1.   Introduction and Objectives

This call for proposals is subject to:

the adoption without significant modifications by the legislative authority of the Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down the legal framework of Erasmus+ and establishing the Erasmus+ programme and repealing Regulation (EU) No 1288/2013,

the positive opinion by the Committee established in the basic act on the annual work programme for the implementation of Erasmus+ in 2021,

the adoption by the Commission of the 2021 annual work programme, after referral of the committee of the programme,

the availability of the appropriations provided for in the draft budget for 2021 after the adoption of the budget for 2021 by the budgetary authority or if the budget is not adopted as provided for in the system of provisional twelfths,

the designation of the National Agency by the National Authority and the acceptance by the Commission, and the signature of the Contribution Agreements.

Therefore, this notification does not legally bind the Commission (the contracting authority). In case at least one of the conditions above is not met, the contracting authority reserves the right to abandon or cancel the present call and to launch others with different content and appropriate deadlines for submission.

2.   Actions

This call for proposals covers the following actions of the Erasmus+ Programme:

Key Action 1 (KA1) – Learning mobility of individuals:

Mobility of individuals in the fields of education, training and youth,

Youth participation Activities.

Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions

-Partnerships for Cooperation:
-Cooperation Partnerships,
-Small-scale Partnerships.

-Partnerships for Excellence:
-Centres for Vocational Excellence,
-Erasmus+ Teacher Academies,
-Erasmus Mundus Action.

-Partnerships for Innovation:
-Alliances for innovation.

-Not-for-profit Sport Events

Key Action 3 (KA3) – Support to policy development and cooperation

-European youth together.

Jean Monnet actions:
-Jean Monnet in the field of higher education,
-Jean Monnet in other fields of education and training.

3.   Eligibility

Any public or private body active in the fields of education, training, youth and sport may apply for funding within the Erasmus+ Programme. In addition, groups of young people who are active in youth work, but not necessarily in the context of a youth organisation, may apply for funding for learning mobility of young people and youth workers as well as for Strategic partnerships in the field of youth.

The following countries can fully take part in all Erasmus+ Programme actions (1):

-the 27 Member States of the European Union and overseas countries and territories,
-third countries associated to the Programme:
-the EFTA/EEA countries: Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway (2),
-EU candidate countries: the Republic of Turkey, the Republic of North Macedonia and the Republic of Serbia (3).
In addition, certain Erasmus+ Programme actions are open to organisations from third countries non-associated to the Programme.
Please refer to the 2021 Erasmus+ Programme Guide for further details on the modalities of participation.

4.   Budget and duration of projects

The total budget earmarked for this call for proposals is estimated at EUR 2 453,5 million:

Education and Training:EUR2 153,1 million
Youth:EUR244,7 million
Sport:EUR41,7 million
Jean Monnet:EUR14 million

The total budget earmarked for the call for proposals as well as its repartition is indicative and subject to the adoption of the 2021 Erasmus+ Annual Work Programme and may be modified subject to an amendment of the Erasmus+ Annual Work Programmes. Potential applicants are invited to regularly consult the Erasmus+ Annual Work Programmes and their amendments, published on: as regards the available budget for each action covered by the call.

The level of grants awarded as well as the duration of projects vary depending on factors such as the type of project and the number of partners involved.

Beneficiaries may declare costs for the work carried out by volunteers under an action or work programme on the basis of unit costs authorised and defined in a Commission Decision (2019) 2646. Please refer to the Erasmus+ Programme Guide for detailed instructions for the eligibility of volunteer’s costs.

5.   Deadline for the submission of applications

All deadlines for submission of applications specified below are set at Brussels time.

Key Action 1
Mobility of individuals in the field of higher education11 May at 12:00
Mobility of individuals in VET, school education and adult education fields11 May at 12:00
Erasmus Accreditations in VET, school education and adult education19 October at 12:00
Mobility of individuals in the field of youth11 May at 12:00
Mobility of individuals in the field of youth5 October at 12:00
Key Action 2
Cooperation partnerships in the fields of education, training and youth, except for those submitted by European NGOs20 May at 12:00
Cooperation partnerships in the fields of education, training and youth submitted by European NGOs20 May at 17:00
Cooperation partnerships in the field of sport20 May at 17:00
Small-scale partnerships in the fields of education and training and youth20 May at 12:00
Small-scale partnerships in the fields of education and training and youth3 November at 12:00
Small-scale partnerships in the field of sport20 May at 17:00
Centres of Vocational Excellence7 September at 17:00
Erasmus Teacher Academies7 September at 17:00
Erasmus Mundus Action26 May at 17:00
Alliances for Innovation7 September at 17:00
Capacity building in the field of youth1 July at 17:00
Non-for-profit Sport Events20 May at 17:00
Key Action 3
European Youth Together24 June at 17:00
Jean Monnet Actions and Networks2 June at 17:00
 Please refer to the Erasmus+ Programme Guide for detailed instructions for the submission of applications.

6.   Full details

The detailed conditions of this call for proposals, including priorities, can be found in the 2021 Erasmus+ Programme Guide at the following internet address:

The Erasmus+ Programme Guide constitutes an integral part of this call for proposals and the conditions for participation and funding expressed therein apply in full to this call.

(1)  Jean Monnet activities are open to organisations from the whole world.

(2)  Subject to the decision of EEA Joint Committee to participate in the programme.

(3)  Subject to the signature of the bilateral Association Agreements.

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