Erasmus + Programı 2017 Teklif Çağrısı
2017 Erasmus+ Teklif çağrısı ve program rehberi Avrupa Komisyonu tarafından yayınlandı.
Erasmus + 2017 Yılı Teklif Çağrısı
Son Başvuru Tarihleri :
*Gençlik Alanında Bireylerin Hareketliliği Son Başvuru Tarihleri :
1.Başvuru Dönemi : 02 Şubat 2017
2.Başvuru Dönemi : 26 Nisan 2017
3.Başvuru Dönemi : 04 Ekim 2017
*Eğitim ve Öğretim Alanında Bireylerin Hareketliliği Son Başvuru Tarihi : 02 Şubat 2017
(Okul Eğitimi- Mesleki Eğitim – Yetişkin Eğitimi -Yükseköğretim )
*Erasmus Mundus Ortak Master Dereceleri Son Başvuru Tarihi : 16 Şubat 2017
*Büyük Ölçekli AGH Etkinlikleri Son Başvuru Tarihi : 05 Nisan 2017
*Gençlik Alanında Stratejik Ortaklıklar Son Başvuru Tarihleri :
1.Başvuru Dönemi : 02 Şubat 2017
2.Başvuru Dönemi : 26 Nisan 2017
3.Başvuru Dönemi : 04 Ekim 2017
*Eğitim ve Öğretim Stratejik Ortaklıklar Son Başvuru Tarihi : 29 Mart 2017
(Okul Eğitimi- Mesleki Eğitim – Yetişkin Eğitimi -Yükseköğretim )
*Bilgi Ortaklıkları Son Başvuru Tarihi : 28 Şubat 2017
*Sektörel Beceri Ortaklıkları Son Başvuru Tarihi : Ayrı bir teklif çağrısı yayınlanacaktır
*Yükseköğretim Alanında Kapasite Geliştirme Son Başvuru Tarihi : 09 Şubat 2017
*Gençlik Alanında Kapasite Geliştirme Son Başvuru Tarihi : 08 Mart 2017
*Yapılandırılmış Diyalog (Gençlik ve Gençlik Alanında Karar Alıcıların Toplantıları ) Son Başvuru Tarihleri :
1.Başvuru Dönemi : 02 Şubat 2017
2.Başvuru Dönemi : 26 Nisan 2017
3.Başvuru Dönemi : 04 Ekim 2017
*Sivil Toplum İşbirliği (Gençlik) Son Başvuru Tarihi : 29 Kasım 2016
*Sivil Toplum İşbirliği (Eğitim) Son Başvuru tarihi : Teklif çağrısı yayınlanmadı.
*Politika Yeniliği İçin Girişimler : Teklif çağrısı yayınlanmadı
*Jean Monnet (Özel Eylem) Son Başvuru Tarihi : 23 Şubat 2017
*Spor Destekleri Son Başvuru Tarihleri :
– Özel Eylem- Spor Alanında İşbirliği Ortaklıkları (Avrupa Spor Haftası İle İlgili ) : 06 Nisan 2017
– Özel Eylem – Kar Amacı Gütmeyen Spor Etkinlikleri (Avrupa Spor Haftası İle İlgili) : 06 Nisan 2017
– Spor Alanında İşbirliği Ortaklıkları : 06 Nisan 2017
– Kar Amacı Gütmeyen Spor Etkinlikleri : 06 Nisan 2017
*Küçük İşbirliği Ortaklıkları Son Başvuru Tarihi : 06 Nisan 2017
Erasmus + 2017 Yılı Teklif Çağrısı
Erasmus+ programme
(2016/C 386/09)
1. Introduction and objectives
This call for proposals is based on the Regulation (EU) No 1288/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 December 2013 establishing ‘Erasmus+’: the Union programme for education, training, youth and sport as well as on the 2016 and 2017 Erasmus+ annual work programmes. The Erasmus+ programme covers the period 2014 to 2020. The general and specific objectives of the Erasmus+ programme are listed in Articles 4, 5, 11 and 16 of the Regulation.
2. Actions
This call for proposals covers the following actions of the Erasmus+ programme:
Key Action 1 (KA1) — Learning mobility of individuals
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Mobility of individuals in the field of education, training and youth |
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Strategic EVS projects |
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Large-scale European Voluntary Service events |
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Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees |
Key Action 2 (KA2) — Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
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Strategic partnerships in the field of education, training and youth |
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Knowledge Alliances |
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Capacity building in the field of higher education |
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Capacity building in the field of youth |
Key Action 3 (KA3) — Support for policy reform
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Structured Dialogue: Meetings between young people and decision-makers in the field of youth |
Jean Monnet activities
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Jean Monnet Chairs |
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Jean Monnet Modules |
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Jean Monnet Centres of Excellence |
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Jean Monnet Support to Associations |
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Jean Monnet Networks |
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Jean Monnet Projects |
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Collaborative partnerships |
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Small collaborative partnerships |
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Not-for-profit European sport events |
3. Eligibility
Any public or private body active in the fields of education, training, youth and sport may apply for funding within the Erasmus+ programme. In addition, groups of young people who are active in youth work, but not necessarily in the context of a youth organisation, may apply for funding for learning mobility of young people and youth workers as well as for strategic partnerships in the field of youth.
The following programme countries can fully take part in all Erasmus+ programme actions (1):
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the 28 Member States of the European Union, |
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the EFTA/EEA countries: Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, |
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EU candidate countries: Turkey and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia |
In addition, certain Erasmus+ programme actions are open to organisations from partner countries.
Please refer to the Erasmus+ Programme Guide for further details on the modalities of participation.
4. Budget and duration of projects
The total budget earmarked for this call for proposals is estimated at EUR 2 157,1 million:
Education and training |
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EUR 1 905,4 million (2) |
Youth |
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EUR 209,1 million |
Jean Monnet |
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EUR 10,8 million |
Sport |
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EUR 31,8 million |
The total budget earmarked for the call for proposals as well as its repartition is indicative and may be modified subject to an amendment of the Erasmus+ annual work programmes. Potential applicants are invited to regularly consult the Erasmus+ annual work programmes and their amendments, published on:
as regards the available budget for each action covered by the call.
The level of grants awarded as well as the duration of projects vary depending on factors such as the type of project and the number of partners involved.
5. Deadline for the submission of applications
All deadlines for submission of applications specified below end at 12.00 (noon), Brussels time.
Key Action 1
Mobility of individuals in the field of education and training |
2 February 2017 |
Mobility of individuals in the field of youth |
2 February 2017 |
Mobility of individuals in the field of youth |
26 April 2017 |
Mobility of individuals in the field of youth |
4 October 2017 |
Strategic EVS projects |
26 April 2017 |
Large-scale European Voluntary Service events |
5 April 2017 |
Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees |
16 February 2017 |
Key Action 2
Strategic partnerships in the field of education and training |
29 March 2017 |
Strategic partnerships in the field of youth |
2 February 2017 |
Strategic partnerships in the field of youth |
26 April 2017 |
Strategic partnerships in the field of youth |
4 October 2017 |
Knowledge Alliances |
28 February 2017 |
Capacity building in the field of higher education |
9 February 2017 |
Capacity building in the field of youth |
8 March 2017 |
Key Action 3
Meeting between young people and decision-makers in the field of youth |
2 February 2017 |
26 April 2017 |
4 October 2017 |
Jean Monnet actions
Chairs, Modules, Centres of Excellence, Support to Associations, Networks, Projects |
23 February 2017 |
Sport actions
Collaborative partnerships |
6 April 2017 |
Small collaborative partnerships |
6 April 2017 |
Not-for-profit European sport events |
6 April 2017 |
Please refer to the Erasmus+ Programme Guide for detailed instructions for the submission of applications.
6. Full details
The detailed conditions of this call for proposals, including priorities, can be found in the Erasmus+ Programme Guide at the following internet address:
The Erasmus+ Programme Guide constitutes an integral part of this call for proposals and the conditions for participation and funding expressed therein apply in full to this call.